Sunday, June 12, 2016

In Memoriam, Orlando: A Poem for Pulse

My heart is broken for Orlando, for the LGBTQ community, for the Islamic community who will take the brunt for this.  For all of us who have to live in such a violent world. 

Of all that I have seen about this gruesome attack—and it is more than enough—this story strikes me most of all.  I am praying for all of those families whose frightened calls will never be answered, and for those who will never be able to forget the scene with all those phones ringing next to the bodies of their owners. 

I wrote this as tribute and wanted to share it.  I know it can’t bring any sense to this awful event, but I hope that my prayers and thoughts will put a little bit of good back into the world.

OMG; what a Bulletin.
Did you hear?
The Slow Rise of hatred in the world,
ringing out in Chimes and Ripples,
Radiating in a haunting Signal.
I can imagine it—a dark room, its Pure Tones
silenced.  Blood on Silk,
Wine Bottle smashed.
And the Sniper, looking for a Desert Sunrise,
his Playtime.
Oh, my Night Owls
you followed a sweet Beacon
to Uplift one another on Waves of love.
Instead, your Radar was shut off.
Do you Stargaze now?
Are you in a new Constellation?
May peace now be your Cosmic right,
Over the Horizon where you are.
Meanwhile our hearts Faint
as the pleading tones ring out
from what you are not anymore,
a Circuit of hope against hope.
When they fall silent,
that will be the Apex of despair.

"Stop the Ringing" by Eileen O'Connor, June 12, 2016.

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