Writing is how I figure out what I'm thinking. Whenever I have a confusing problem or I don't know what to believe, I reach for a pen or turn on the computer. Not only does it calm me to see the words taking form on the paper, but the process of getting them there helps me untangle my thoughts.
COVID-19 is one of those gnarly problems for me. Should I be worried? Should I be upset? Is the physical danger more important, or the financial one? If I'm not worried, am I a bad person? If I choose the wrong thing to be worried about, am I a bad person? What can I do to make things better?
For myself, I don't quite have the answers yet--I'm really just going with the flow at this point, reserving my judgment and my panic for a later date. But I did think that someone else might have something to say about this. Asa'el, my angelic narrator of Tales of the Stolen Earth, weighs in with the advice he was given and the wisdom he has chosen to follow in the days to come. Check it out in Silver Linings.