Friday, December 2, 2016

Year the This--I Mean Fifth


Most Read:
A New Endeavor Coming Soon, 2/29 (25 reads)

Policies/Current Events Addressed: 
Cultural violence (3/28, Nonviolence Just Got Harder)
Orlando Pulse shooting (6/12, In Memoriam, Orlando: A Poem for Pulse)

Personal Events:
Posting “Stolen Earth Tales”, March 21, 2016 (A New Endeavor Coming Soon)
Birthday party, July 15, 2016 (Keep the Receipt for that Pity)
My Favorites: 

And so here we are.  It’s strange.  My pride wants me to present myself as I am, fully grown and fully shaped, stronger than ever before.  And yet this has been one of the least impressive years when it comes to blog posts.  I have been trying this year to post more regularly, with moderate—okay, with a little success.  But these posts feel forced to me, rather boring, most of them.  They are nothing like the ethereal, thoughtful posts that I used to publish.  Indeed, my favorites from this year were the ones I didn't think about too much, the ones that are honest, raw, and untouched by my inner editor.  I’m trying too hard, putting myself forward as a serious voice in a serious world when what I really want is to bring a bit of lightness and thought. 

I’m glad I have done this, if only for this reason.  It’s been an education to look back and see who I was and what my strengths and weaknesses were in the past.  As a person I do believe I am improving, but as a writer I still have work to do.  Let’s see if I can’t get back to the voice I once had, speaking inspiration and wonder and light into the dark.  Let's get back to musing, shall we?

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Year the Fourth


Most Read: 

Policies/Current Events Addressed: 
Messages to young women in popular music (5/28, Right Sound, Wrong Thought)
Caitlyn Jenner (6/2, I'm Not Insulted)
Women’s clothing (8/25, I Am Displeased)
Beauty in media (9/1, Mind Over Matter)

Personal Events: 
Trip to NYC April 7-12 (Philosophy From the Subway)

My favorites: 
8/10 Notaphor?

Time rolled along, and my world stayed mostly the same.  I went to work, I went home, I wrote, I sang, I lived.  This was the year I began to look up and pay attention to what was going on around me, and more importantly, started to express my opinion where others could see it.  In these many writings about the issues of the time, I can see a strength and a grace that I had never had before.  I know that part of that was contrived by the writer in myself, but I hope that I can grow into that image I painted of myself with my words.